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Radio and Television Broadcasting

Program Overview: Courses in this pathway include Principles of Broadcasting, Audio & Video Production Essentials, and Mass Media Production.

Students explore broadcasting through presenting/reporting, technical production, sound engineering, camera work, and designing graphics.  They learn to use software and equipment for radio and TV production.  Students gain hands-on experience through production, filming, and commentating productions for HOTDOG television.

Radio and TV Broadcasting Capstone: This capstone is embedded in the students' class experiences. They work on writing, producing, filming, editing, etc. to create media for a local network.

Student experiences: Students create media for the Indiana Sports Network.

Dual Credit - This pathway has the potential to earn dual credit with Ivy Tech: VISC 105

Connection to future career path: Production Manager, Sound Technician, Set Designer, A/V Technician

Post-Secondary Options (this list is not exhaustive): Apprenticeship program, on the job training, Associate’s degree, Bachelor's degree: Journalism, Communication, English, Mass Communication, Broadcast Communication

See for more information.